Serving The Community For Over 13+ Years
Kuddles has been serving the community since 2008 and continues to grow with our future tamariki today.
Kuddles has been serving our communities since 2008 and continues to grow with our future tamariki today.
We provide a nurturing and caring learning home environment for all tamariki (children), whanau (families) and Kaiako (Educators/teachers). We see ourselves as an extended family providing flexible options that respect family needs and aspirations.
Our strong sense of belonging through bicultural and multicultural practice, ensures each unique culture and language is embraced and celebrated throughout our programme. We believe in building close relationships between parents/whanau, educators, teachers/coordinators and the community.
Children learn best through play, which is why it's at the heart of everything we do. Our education plans empower, support and develop children to become independent, creative and confident learners through their first five years.
Carefully thought out experiences and resources allow children time to explore at their own pace in the security of our loving and warm home environments
Quality Childcare Service
Kuddles offers in-home childcare utilising the safe homes of our Educators who are compliant with all Ministry regulations, have been Police vetted (including family members) and treat the children like their own.
They deliver responsive, personalised learning outcomes to a maximum of 4 children per day creating environments that garner independence, self-esteem and social relationships.
With smaller numbers, children are less exposed to illnesses and have their daily needs catered for individually.
Our Educators build trusted relationships with parents and provide a portfolio of daily feedback on the children's play experiences, while following Te Whāriki - the NZ ECE Curriculum. There is a strong emphasis placed on building self-esteem and self-respect for the culture and ethnicity of each child.
Our fully qualified Visiting Teachers support educators developing individual programmes to meet each child's needs – including playgroups, outings and other activities. These plans reflect the physical, emotional, social and cognitive needs of the child.
“Kuddles programme coordinators work sensitively with educators to respond to infants' and toddlers' development, ideas and ways of learning. Educators provide culturally responsive programmes that nurture children's home languages and cultural identity. Most speak the home languages of the children in their care. Documentation shows children's engagement in learning and their caring, warm relationships with educators. Children's sense of belonging is affirmed and their emotional and physical wellbeing are supported.”
Our Philosophy and Values
Our Philosophy is that every child is precious. It informs our total approach to caring for children. We aim to deliver the same quality of childcare that you would give to your own child at home.
Kuddles In-Home Childcare and Education provides a nurturing and caring learning home environment for all Tamariki (children), whanau (families) and Kaiako (Educators/teachers). We see ourselves as an extended family providing flexible options that respect each families individual needs and aspirations.
A secure and strong sense of belonging through our bicultural and multicultural practice, ensures each unique culture and language is embraced and celebrated throughout our programme. We believe in building close relationships between parents/whanau, educators, teachers/coordinators and the community.
Children learn best through play, which is why play is at the heart of everything we do. Through fun, individualised education plans for each child, children are empowered and challenged to become independent, creative and confident learners that are well supported through their first five years. Carefully thought out experiences and resources allow children time to explore at their own pace in the security of our loving and warm home environments.
Learning: Children will be supported to learn through play with a variety of fun environments, where they’ll be empowered to become confident and competent learners. High quality, individualised learning programmes for each child are implemented in partnership with parents in home-based environments.
Relationships: We build strong relationships with the child or children, the family and whanau, and the educators.
Language and Culture: We will embrace and respect each culture and language of our family, whanau, tamariki and team so that all people will feel a strong sense of belonging.
Trust and Respect: As well-established ECE provider we will deliver flexible childcare for parents who can trust us and our processes, and where tamariki, whanau and educators will have a shared respect for each other.
Communication: We will use open and honest communication where aspirations for children are the key priority for the relationship.
Bi-cultural Heritage: Our commitment to embracing bicultural practice, understanding and honouring the Treaty of Waitangi is a paramount focus for us.
Community: We will always strive to continue and build on our connections with the local community.
Continuous Improvement: Our staff and educators will be supported to build on their knowledge and continuous improvement.